Contact Info
- Hours:
- weekdays: 8:00 am to 12:00 am (midnight)
- weekends: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
- Phone: 617.253.1773
General Information
The front desk:
- provides room check-in and check-out services
- receives packages
- provides keys during lock-outs
- provides equipment borrowing services
- items include a bicycle pump, vacuum cleaners, sports equipment, and board games
Please contact the manager of front desk services (Al Jones) or the house manager (Michael Collins) if you have any further questions about the front desk.
Mail and Packages
Mail is delivered every weekday and placed in the unique mailbox for each apartment. More information here.
Large packages and registered mail (delivered via USPS), and packages from other carriers (FedEx, DHL, etc) are delivered to the front desk. You should get an email notification if you have a package. Identification is required for pick-up. Tang Desk will not hold any packages for any resident who has already moved out. The package will be sent back “RETURN TO SENDER” and MIT Housing will not be responsible for any packages that arrive after a resident has moved out.
Paper for printer
The front desk has a supply for paper specifically for the Tang printers, which are located in the laundry room area. Do not use paper that has already been used in the printer unless you like paper jams! Just ask for more printer paper at the front desk.