Rooms in Tang Hall
Tang apartments are cozy, and each unit is equipped with its own kitchen, washroom, and bedrooms.
3-bedroom and 4-bedroom apartments also have a spacious living room.
- Bedroom dimensions for most rooms is 8.5′ x 13.5′ (2.5 m x 4.1 m) including inside closet space.
- All bedrooms are furnished with 1 desk, 1 wooden chair, 1 five-drawer dresser, a built-in closet, bed-frame and mattress (size Twin XL).
- Living rooms (for 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom) are furnished with a sofa-set (4 seating), coffee table, dining table with four chairs, and a bookcase.
- Kitchens are furnished with a refrigerator and stove.
- Bathrooms include shower curtain.
- Living room lights, microwave, television, and window AC are NOT provided: residents must provide their own if desired.
Here are a few glamour shots showcasing the view, with a few personal touches:
Here are a few more pictures with a basic setup:
Do you have any photos of the 2 bedroom apartment in Tang? Trying to decide for the housing lottery. Thanks!
Yes, photos of the 2 bedroom apartment would be very helpful.
We’ll see if we have any but feel free to look at the floor plan here:
You can also view the MIT housing website – for more details.