Guest Policy
The Tang Hall guest policy generally mirrors the guest policy of MIT Graduate Housing overall. The policy is reiterated below. These guidelines are subject to change as guidance from MIT Housing is released. Residents of shared apartments are also encouraged to have conversations about guest guidelines for the specific shared apartment.
All Guests:
A guest is someone (MIT or non-MIT affiliated) who does not live in the residence hall they are visiting. Residents are permitted to have guests in their residence, including the common areas of the residence hall, under the following conditions:
- Guests are required to present a valid MIT, school or government-issued photo ID at the front desk of any MIT residence hall.
- Residents are prohibited from giving guests their room/apartment keys or MIT ID card at any time.
- Guests must follow all MIT and Covid-related policies.
- Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times.
Overnight Guests:
- In accordance with standard MIT residential policies, residents may not have overnight guests for more than three nights in a seven-day period. Furthermore, overnight guests can visit for no more than 20 days total in a semester. In a multi-occupant unit, roommates are expected to coordinate overnight guests.
- Residents must obtain, in advance, the permission of all students of the room/suite in which the overnight guest is visiting or staying. Consideration should be given to the reasonable expectations of a roommate(s) at all times.
- Sleeping overnight in the public common areas of a residence hall (e.g., lounges) is prohibited.